Get involved

For sure, 2020 was a year of many changes. It has also left me wondering how some of the changes can become forever changes.   

Commit to a lifestyle change for 30 days: Make it a habit 

The Forever Change project results are promising. It's your turn to create a forever change. You may heard these recommendations before, but did you know they could lead to a forever change?

Join me in giving - giving yourself the gift of cleaner air, and saving the planet for me and all the young people I will share it with in the decades to come. When I am 40, 50 and 60 years old, I want to breathe freely. YOU have the chance to make that happen.

Get started today with these recommendations:

1. Sustainable transportation: Gas-powered transportation contributes to 27% of global air pollution. This is not news of course, and chances are that you have been asked many times before to use sustainable modes of transportation. What's different this time is that you are probably traveling less than you did before, and your need for urgent travel is lower. This slow down presents an opportunity, to experiment. Now, you have less pressures, and a real chance at trying sustainable modes of transportation.

So, each time you reach for the keys to your gas powered car, ask whether you can walk, bike or ride in an electric vehicle (car, bus, light rail). Do this for 1/2 of all your car trips.

2. Try vegetarianism: Breeding and growing animals like cows and pigs uses a lot of natural resources. Animals also output gases like methane, a greenhouse gas. Animal breeding contributes to 14.5% of global air pollution levels.

Next time, you are getting ready to make a ham sandwich, or a juicy steak, try a vegetarian meal. In 2020, the meat alternative industry grew by 2% There are many vegetarian alternative meats on the market. And, if you are looking for inspiration, subscribe to my brother Advait's vegetarianism newsletter by emailing He sends out a new recipe every week, complete with chef's tips. As one who has had the honor of trying his creations, I promise you, they are yummy!

3. Avoid plastic, at all costs: Especially single-use plastics (SUP) - food wrappers, produce bags, packaging, takeout containers. SUP goes directly into landfills. Producing plastic is a leading industrial cause of air pollution contributing a large number of global pollution levels. My parents have committed to taking on this challenge. We are going to avoid all SUPs. You can attempt lowering your use of them to 1/2. I cannot wait to see how we will survive without our favorite protein bars, cereals and more.


Math4Good: Play games, Learn Math, Save the planet
Math4Good is a powerful program that helps students learn math while also helping the environment! You will learn math by playing sports games. When you finish a game, you will have learned a math concept or skill as well as you will have earned points. You can then use the points to donate money to one of two environmental organizations: #Teamtrees or #Teamseas. Each point is equivalent to $ 0.25. We give you the information you need to choose which organization and which environmental cause you think is important and want to support!

The Ocean Cleanup
All proceeds from notecard sales were donated to The Ocean Cleanup. As of today, $1500 was donated.
Notecards are no longer available, if you are interested in supporting The Ocean Cleanup consider donating to them.